Pros And Cons Of Buying A Hammerless Revolver
When you shop for a new or used revolver, you'll commonly be browsing models that have hammers. However, the more revolvers that you look at, you're bound to come across some that are hammerless. Such models aren't as common, but are still readily available at local gun shops, online, and at gun shows. While these firearms look a little different than traditional revolvers, don't let their appearance fool you — they're revolvers through and through, and have many advantages for you to evaluate. Should you be interested in this type of gun, here are some pros and cons to weigh.
Pro: Less Risk Of Snagging
Many firearms owners who carry concealed weapons choose hammerless revolvers. Because this handgun doesn't have a pointy hammer sticking up, it can often be easier to draw — especially when you're pulling it out of a shoulder holster or appendix holster. A hammer can easily snag on your clothing, making it difficult to draw the weapon in a quick, controlled, and discreet manner. The lack of a hammer dramatically reduces the risk of snagging.
Con: No Cocking Ability
Revolver users often favor cocking the hammer so that they can discharge the firearm with a very light amount of pressure on the trigger. Cocking the hammer isn't always necessary, of course, but if you don't, you'll need to squeeze the hammer harder. If you're someone who appreciates being able to cock his or her firearm when shooting, a hammerless revolver isn't the right choice for you.
Pro: Easier To Conceal
The lack of a hammer makes the overall size of your revolver smaller, and many firearms manufacturers produce compact hammerless revolvers. This can make this design perfect for people who wish to conceal the weapon, especially as a backup firearm. While you might prefer something bigger as your primary concealed firearm, a compact, hammerless revolver can easily slip into an ankle holster without feeling bulky.
Con: Your Accuracy May Suffer
Because cocking the hammer of your revolver before you pull the trigger means that the gun's trigger pull is light, it's easier to be accurate when you take this approach. This is why many shooters at the gun range who are practicing with revolvers will cock their firearm before firing a shot. When you cannot cock the hammer and have to put more pressure on the trigger when you pull it, there's a higher chance that your shot will go off target — the more that you squeeze, the more that the barrel's position can change by a fraction of an inch.
Contact a gun club, like Osseo Gun Club, for more help.